Friday, June 12, 2009

Raised Planting Beds

With the main veggie garden planted, I'm moving on to the raised beds.

I'm a bit embarrassed by the condition of this one, but in years past it has been used as a cutting garden so there are miscellaneous seeds all over the place in there.


Step 1: Propane torch (organic weed killer)...



After raking out the now dead weeds and smoothing out the soil, I applied some corn gluten, an organic pre-emergent weed blocker.



A nice neighbor gave us a seedling tomato plant of her favorite variety, Hungarian Pink, so I've placed that in the middle...


It will be flanked on each side by cantaloupe, which I'm starting from seed. Since I've already applied the pre-emergent weed control and I don't want that to interfere with my cantaloupe seeds, I've used untreated soil to build the mounds and placed the seeds themselves in Jiffy Pots. This will allow them to get a good start, unimpeded by the corn gluten.


I'll be growing peas on the backdrop, so I've built this support structure out of bamboo, zip ties, and jute twine. The peas are starting indoors and should be ready to plant next week.


On to the next raised bed. This one will have zucchini, started from seed in the same manner as the cantaloupe.





More to come!

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