Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Going Organic

We've recently decided to switch over to organic practices. There are many good reasons to consider going organic and chief among ours is the concern about chemical fertilizers and pollutants contaminating the water supply. Not only do we drink well water here, but we're also only about a quarter mile away from the Napa River.

Here are a few of the organic products we've purchased for immediate use in the garden and around the property...


Compost for the raised beds, corn gluten for pre-emergent weed control and various fertilizers for the assorted plant types, including the lawn. But wait, there's more...organic planting mix for the various potted plants we'll be placing throughout the property!


And now for the really fun part...beneficial bugs! w00t!


The ladybugs will be released about a week after application of the insecticidal soap and the praying mantis babies should hatch in a couple/few weeks. The beneficial nematodes are applied via a hose sprayer. This is done as night because UV rays kill them, so I sacrificed watching "Dancing With The Stars" in order to do it after the recent rototilling of the veggie garden.


Speaking of rototilling the veggie garden, here are the photos of that. I would prefer to have used a larger, rear-tine tiller, but this is the largest machine we have the means of transporting.





I worked around the peas and fava beans, which are still finishing...


These disgusting grubs feed on roots and attract voles to the garden. They are the target of the beneficial nematodes.


Spring planting will commence this week!

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