Thursday, March 19, 2009

Going Chicken-Crazy, part I: Out With The Old

When we arrived here, the current flock of laying hens was about four years old and past its egg-laying prime. It was time to find a new home for them and get ready to raise some peeps!

I found a nice family via craigslist who wanted them for lawn ornaments and bug patrol, so we happily took them off the roost at night and sent them on their way.

Interestingly, and unfortunately, the flock had started with 25 birds, but that figure had dwindled to 11 over the course of their four year tenure on the property. Securing the coop at night is very important.

Here are a few photos of the original flock...

This is a Golden Laced Wyandotte with a blurry Polish in the background...

a Polish and an Easter Egger...

Dolly's not interested in the hens, just their food...

Up peeps!

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